We, at St Mary’s Primary School, are taking part in Food Dudes, a healthy eating programme, developed to encourage children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. During the two weeks of the Food Dudes programme, there will be daily deliveries of a variety of fruits and vegetables for all children to experience.
Children will be encouraged to explore and eat as many fruits and vegetables as they can. Children can taste, talk about, smell, touch the fruit and vegetables. If they don’t taste the fruit and vegetables, they are welcome to bring it home in their lunchbox and try it at home. There are rewards along the way to keep the children motivated. There has been great feedback from the children who are thoroughly enjoying the programme. There are games, worksheets, activities and videos for parents to download available from https://www.fooddudes.ie/fun-activities/ There are also lots of delicious, healthy recipes available from the Food Dudes website at https://www.fooddudes.ie/recipes/