Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to St. Mary’s Primary School, Enfield. We hope you enjoy learning about our school and seeing a little bit of what goes on in our school community. It is co-educational and can cater for about 600 children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class.

We provide children with a well-rounded education in an inclusive environment where everyone is respected. The school facilitates all to reach their full potential.

St. Mary’s P.S. is a Catholic School and operates under the patronage of the Bishop of Meath. It aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the pupil: intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual. The school promotes learning in a safe and positive environment and encourages pupils to do their best in relation to all aspects of school life.

There are now 24 classrooms in the school with three classes at each level. From September 2023 the school will also have 3 special classes for children with autism. These classes will be catered for in a new extension which already feels part of the school. It has great facilities that are available for all children to use if desired. The school also has a strong team of Special Education Teachers who support children with their learning and development and a wonderful group of Special Needs Assistants who work with children to cater for their needs.

History of the School
The old school was built in 1953. It was built as a three roomed school to replace the older two-roomed school that stood in front of it. Three more rooms were added in 1984. From 2004 onwards there was a steady increase in the population of Enfield. Temporary accommodation was added each year to cater for the extra numbers attending the primary school.

Our new school opened for the 2012-2013 school year. It had sixteen classrooms and was able to cater for two classes at each level. Eight new classrooms were added and the twenty-four classroom school opened in September 2014.

The children, staff, parents, Board of management and the local community are delighted to have such a wonderful educational facility in the area. We know that the story of education in St. Mary’s Primary School is about more than the building. The life of the school is really about the people involved with it. The school gives everyone a context in which to live, grow and learn. We look forward to the development of the school as we move forward together as a community

Enda Flynn


New School Year 2024-25

We are happy to welcome all our pupils back to St Mary’s for another school year. A very special welcome to our new Junior Infants and to all the new new children joining our school. We hope that you have a great year ahead!

Summer Camp 2024

The last two weeks have been incredible. Our Summer Camp, ‘Building Confidence and Connections’ 2024 was a huge success. Wishing everyone a happy summer!

Bumblebee 1000 Supercars

Last Friday, our school was thrilled to host the Bumblebee 1000 supercar run, an event dedicated to raising funds for Little Blue Heroes, a charity that supports families of children with serious illnesses in Ireland. The arrival he arrival of high-performance supercars brought great excitement and joy to pupils and staff alike. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated to this very worthy cause.

Enfield Autism Friendly Town Launch

Last Saturday, our school hosted the launch of the Enfield Autism Friendly Town initiative. It was especially meaningful to celebrate this milestone in our newly extended facility for autism classes. The event was a great success, with strong attendance from our community. We were delighted to have staff, parents, and, most importantly, our children and young people participate. Well done to the Enfield Autism Friendly Town Committee on organising a wonderful event. Special thanks to Edward and Corey for sharing their personal stories. They were amazing!

Intercounty Cumann na mBunscol

Anna with the shield and her well-deserved medal.

On 15th of May, Anna (6th Class) was selected to represent St Marys P.S. and Meath in the Intercounty Cumann na mBunscol football blitz.

Anna’s team won all of their games. We,as a school, are very proud of her achievements and we know she has a talent that will take her a long way both now and into the future !!

Well done Anna and thank you for being such a positive role-model to all the children of our school!

The Northern Lights

The Northern Lights put on a stunning display for people across Ireland last Friday night, 10th May 2024, with the aurora borealis visible in many parts of the country. Enfield was no exception. This photo, captured by Fergus Kelly, shows the Northern Lights over St Marys Primary School.

Happy Birthday, Jill

Join us in wishing the one and only Jill a fantastic birthday! Today, the whole school gathered to sing “Happy Birthday” to you! Here’s to a day that’s as special and amazing as you are!

First Holy Communion

Congratulations and best wishes to our Second Class pupils who celebrated their First Holy Communion today. Thank you to the children, their parents, all the school staff including teachers, SNAs, and Special Education teachers, Admin staff and management, Fr Patrick, Sinéad and the whole school community for making this day so special. We hope you all enjoy a lovely day with your family and friends!

Raising the Cineáltas Flag

Members of our Student Council raised the Cineáltas flag for the school. The Cineáltas flag recognises the good work that our school is already doing, and will continue to do to, to promote kindness, respect, inclusion, diversity and wellbeing.

World Down Syndrome Day 2024

We celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) today in St Marys Primary School. WDSD is marked each year on March 21, beginning in 2007. The 21st day of March was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. We will be wearing colourful socks in support of RockYourSocks campaign which is a fun & easy way to raise awareness for Down syndrome by wearing colourful and/or mismatched socks. It aims to arouse curiosity among our school community and remind us all that differences is beautiful too.On this day, we encourage everyone to wear odd socks to show their support for the Down syndrome community. 

Why socks?

Odd socks were chosen as a symbol for WDSD because chromosomes are shaped like socks, and those with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome..

Mini 7s Tournaments

Congratulations to our boys and girls football teams for their outstanding performance in the recent Meath Cumann na mBunscoil Mini’7s tournaments.

Our girls demonstrated great determination and skill in their matches against Longwood, Coole, and Baconstown. Although Baconstown emerged as the winners and progressed to Round 2, our girls displayed commendable effort throughout.

Similarly, our boys showcased their abilities during Round 1, advancing from a competitive group consisting of Longwood, Kill, and Baconstown. They continued their success in Round 2, triumphing over Rathbeggan and Kildalkey. Although they narrowly missed out on progressing further after a close match against Coole, who went on to Round 3 undefeated, their dedication was evident in every game.

At St. Mary’s, we take immense pride in our young athletes, and once again, they represented our school with distinction on all three occasions.

Thank you to all the teachers who have dedicated their time and effort to train the children for various competitions throughout the year.

Congratulations – Confirmation

Congratulations to our 6th Class pupils who received the Sacrament of Confirmation today (Friday, 8th March).

We are very proud of all of you all and we wish you well on your special day.

We hope you had a wonderful time with your families!

A big thank you to the 6th class teachers, Ms Daly, Ms Nelson and Mr Fitzpatrick, to Fr Patrick and Sinéad Griffin, and everyone involved in helping them prepare for their special day.

Interschool Novice Show Jumping League

Kaela represented  St Mary’s P.S. in the Interschool Novice Show Jumping League. 

Since September Kaela has been training 3 to 4 times a week in all weathers to prepare for this competition. 

Kaela competed in 6 shows  altogether as part of the Interschools League.

The final took place on Sunday 4th February  and Kaela placed second out of over 30 competitors.  

We are extremely proud of Kaela’s hard work and dedication to her sport.

Well done Kaela!

County winners! Someone Like Me – art competition.

Congratulations to Ms Conneely’s 5th class on being named Someone Like Me art competition County Winners (Senior class).

The competition was open to primary school pupils from junior infants to sixth class. Over 2,200 entries were received from individual pupils, class groups and whole schools right across Ireland. The talented participants looked at non-visible disabilities and shared their creativity and passion to promote inclusivity through art.

Ms Conneely and two lucky pupils, chosen by lottery, represented 5th class at the national awards ceremony on Wednesday 17 January 2024. It was a great day out & what an accomplishment! Well done to Ms Conneely and all her 5th class pupils.

The artwork created by Ms Conneely and her fifth class pupils.

Silver Snake for St Vincent de Paul

Thank you to all families for their generosity towards the Vincent de Paul collection.

€1,005 was raised today creating our silver snake out of coins.

The volunteers from the local Vincent de Paul collected the money this afternoon, which they will lodge to the bank today.

They asked the school to pass on their appreciation to the school community.

Special Olympics

Three wonderful pupils from St. Mary’s Primary School took part in the Leinster Special Olympics “Come & Try” day. They tried out all the activities with enthusiasm, representing themselves, their families, and our school brilliantly. Congratulations to our little Olympians! Well done!

Thank you to the Special Olympics, Leinster team for hosting a great day out! Thanks to Oni and Mary for all their help on the day.

Cross Country – November 2023

Well done to all of the athletes that competed in the Cross Country competition in Fairyhouse on 23rd November 2023. 

Long distances on a wet day with a mucky course and huge numbers is never easy. They did themselves and the school proud!

A big thank you to Ms Muldoon, Ms Jameson and Ms Murtagh for all their hardwork, support and dedication!

National Tree Week 2023

On Thursday, October 5th, we had a special celebration at our school. We planted a native Hazel tree for National Tree Day 2023! This tree is found all over Ireland, and it’s famous for its delicious hazelnuts. At this time of year there are very few hazelnuts left as the squirrels and mice gather them and save them for winter.  It’s not just for squirrels and mice; it also helps lots of other animals and bugs too, like lichens and insects.

We want to say a big thank you to Spar for giving us the little tree, and a big shoutout to Ms. O’Dwyer and her 4th class for planting it with such care!

School Update

We are delighted with the work that took place over the summer at St Mary’s PS.  As a result
of the paintwork and maintenance carried out our school now boasts a colourful, fresh
In addition, we’re excited to announce the opening of our new extension and dedicated
facilities for our autism classes. In the extension, there are three modern classrooms, a large
hall, a new playground, a sensory garden, and calming sensory rooms that will, no doubt,
provide the best possible learning environment for our pupils.

Amber Flag Award 2022-2023

This year at St. Mary’s P.S., we were awarded the Pieta House Amber flag. The Amber Flag is an initiative which recognises the individual efforts of schools to create safe, healthy, positive and inclusive environments that support mental health and well-being.

An Amber Flag raising ceremony was held in the school during final week of term in June where all children came together to celebrate the achievement. Sixth class spoke about the various goals reached and treated us to a performance of their graduation dances. All children sang ‘We Are One’ by Wild Youth while the flag was hoisted up, to finish off the year on a very positive high note! Well done to all involved!

Welcome back to school to all our children and a special welcome to our new Junior Infants. In just a couple of days, they have settled so well into school. They are showing great independence and enthusiasm as they enter the school each morning. We welcome back all of our pupils, after their summer break. We would like to thank parents for their support in getting the children ready for school. We wish all the children a great year ahead!

Camogie – Leah Devine visit

We were delighted to welcome Leah Devine, Meath camogie star from Na Fianna, to our school today. She visited to celebrate St Mary’s victory in the Cumann na mBunscoill Camogie Shield 2022/2023.

Leah presented the team with their individual medals, making it a wonderful occasion.

We are very grateful to Ms. Codd and Ms. Clancy for their coaching and guidance in helping the team achieve this success.

Teachers versus 6th class soccer challenge

The Teachers versus 6th Class Soccer Challenge was a fun event that brought both students and teachers together. With great enthusiasm, both teams showed off their skills on the field, the teachers were victorious on the day!! A big thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the success of the event. It was a memorable day that brought the school community together, creating lasting memories for all.

Camogie Champions

We are thrilled that our school’s Camogie team has emerged as the champions of the Developing Schools Camogie Competition 22/23! Our girls, guided by the exceptional coaching of Ms. Codd and Ms. Clancy, have showcased their talent, dedication, and teamwork throughout the competition. We are very proud of their outstanding achievement. They are great ambassadors for our school.

16th June 2023

Athletics Track and Field Championships in Navan

15th June 2023, Claremont, Navan

A huge congratulations to all of the athletes who participated in the Track and Field Championships in Navan. We are beyond proud of the effort that was put in by all participants especially on such a hot day.

They competed in 60m, 100m, 600m, 800m, relays, ball throw and long jump. We won silver in the U11  boys  60m. We won silver in the U13 boys 100m. There was a few who were just pipped to a medal position across all events.

They showed grit, determination and represented St. Mary’s with pride. We have a lot of talented athletes in our midst and we look forward to continuing our training next year. Bring on the next Championships!  

A big thank you to Ms. Muldoon, Ms. McDonnell and Ms. Jameson for preparing the children so well and allowing  coaches affording the children the opportunity to participate in an event like this. Thanks also to the teachers and support staff who helped out on the day!

6th class retreat

Our three 6th classes had a retreat day that was organized by the parish. It was a memorable experience for the pupils, and we extend heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in making it happen. The day was filled with laughter, learning, and meaningful connections, leaving a lasting impact on our pupils’ spiritual growth.

Nature Boxes

We have set up nature boxes around its grounds to help birds, bats, butterflies, and insects find cozy spots to build their nests. These boxes include bird houses, bat houses, insect hotels, and even a house for ladybirds. They provide a safe and welcoming space for these creatures to raise their young. The bird houses attract different kinds of birds, while the bat houses offer a comfy place for bats to rest. The insect hotel gives insects a cool place to stay, and the ladybird house is a special spot just for ladybirds. St. Mary’s Primary School wants to protect nature and teach students about the important role these animals play in our world.

5th Class Rounders Demonstration

5th class showcased their impressive rounders skills to the entire school. The beautiful, sunny weather added to the enjoyment of the day as everyone had a great time watching the students’ display of talent and teamwork.

Developing Schools Camogie Competition 22/23 Finalists!!

The Camogie team have had a blistering start in the Camogie competition this year, showcasing their dedication and remarkable talent. They have reached the final of the Developing Schools Camogie Competition 22/23!! Congratulations to these outstanding athletes and their coaches on their well-deserved victory!

Bike Week 2023

Well done to the 5th class pupils and staff who recently took part in a Greenway Cycle as part of Bike Week 2023. They were blessed with the weather and did our school proud on the day!

Green Schools Second Flag (Water)

On Thursday May 25th St. Mary’s Primary School Enfield raised our second green flag. This green flag was for water. The pupils on the Green School Committee worked long and hard to encourage the whole school community to work together to save water. The pupils talked to other classes about the importance of saving water, held a poster and slogan competition, completed a walk for water along the canal and carried out surveys in the school to ensure we are doing enough to save water. The pupils impressed the Green School Officer to ensure we received our flag. Well done!

‘Water, water everywhere, but sadly not a drop to spare.’

Meeting local inventor

It was a memorable experience for the Ms. Daly’s 6th class pupils, as they recently had the pleasure of meeting Patsy Prendergast, a local inventor. Patsy shared his story and talked passionately about his invention, captivating the students with his ideas and creativity. Patsy was very generous with his time and knowledge, answering all their questions and inspiring the students.

50 years of EU membership

On Monday, May 8th, 2023, Ireland marked Europe Day 2023, which marks 50 years of Ireland’s EU membership. Since becoming a member of the European Union in 1973, there has been much social, economic, and cultural change in Ireland. 

Our school received a new European flag to mark the special occasion. A big thanks to pupils from 6th class who helped to raise the new flag.

Inclusion Week 2023

From May 2nd – May 5th, we held Inclusion Week in our school. It was a resounding success. The school came together to celebrate neurodiversity and promote inclusivity in all aspects of school life. Assemblies were held for all year groups, where pupils learned about different neurodivergent conditions, such as ADHD, dyslexia, and autism. They were encouraged to embrace neurodiversity and support each other as a united school community, regardless of their differences. The children made valuable contributions throughout the week, some sharing their own stories to help bring a greater understanding of neurodivergence. Their enthusiasm and positive attitudes helped make the week a memorable experience.